Advertising Continue reading below Moz's Dr. Pete Meyers shared his findings on a Williams Sonoma announcement full of expansions, including the new promo expansion. promotional extension There will surely be additional opportunities in the coming months, providing advertisers with new and unique ways to reach a wider audience by making communication more convenient. They will refine and test new areas to deliver the best user experience as we move forward in 2017. Advertising Continue reading below More video please As you search for assisted conversions and a way to improve brand awareness in the new year, video content marketing will be on the rise. New mobile technology has led to widespread video consumption.
Publishers and brands are analyzing the fax list best ways to include video in their content and search marketing strategies. The focus will shift to YouTube. According to Think With Google, 85% of adults aged 18-49 use multiple devices at the same time, while two-thirds of users watch YouTube on a second screen while watching TV at home. Video and video ads present more opportunities and more chances to reach your target consumers. With a focus on online video, once you post a video on YouTube, quickly share it on relevant social platforms for that content. Additionally, with the launch of YouTube Unplugged in 2017, it remains to be seen how TV service. When it comes to social media, there are several ways to keep your business in front of your audience.
Facebook's introduction to live video, the inclusion of Stories on Instagram, and the release of Spectacles by Snapchat will transform the way brands and businesses can promote their content in consumable and engaging formats. Advertising Continue reading below These three paths of video are evolving into how we tell visual stories. It's a way to nurture relationships and create an experience that resonates with your audience. Brands will experiment with video, from original creative to brand storytelling to brand awareness throughout 2017, and audiences will consume more video than ever. Leverage your search marketing and assisted conversions through the use of video content marketing.