And if they want to do business with you, odds are, so will their customers. It's kind of like an investment and the return is more customers email list. Once you have entered into a joint venture marketing relationship, you can work together with your joint venture marketing partner to not only increase the satisfaction of your current and existing customers, but also work toward building each others business by sharing your lists and recommending each others products and/or services.
You may even want to consider offering a joint special for "customers of business X only". In other words, your partner's customers receive a discount when they purchase your product or service, and vice versa. This is not only a great incentive, but a tried and true tactic for successful joint venture marketing. Once your customers see firsthand just how wonderful your recommendation is, their trust in you will instantly rise and your credibility will be further established,
Making it easier to keep these customers coming back. And that is another plus to joint venture marketing. The happier your customers are with you and the more satisfied they are with your recommendations, the more likely they are to give you repeat business. A happy customer is a return customer and customer satisfaction is the key to customer retention.