Online Marketing is a new and sexy niche. Due to the nature of the beast, its parts are constantly moving and there's always a new tool coming executive email list out that will revolutionize the way that you market your business or service online. However, there's one mistake that many online marketers make when they get caught up in the "trendy" marketing executive email list tools, and that is that they forget to continue to use the tried and true methods of online marketing. Email marketing is exactly that. Although email marketing is certainly not anything flashy or new, it's certainly something that you should be paying attention to and utilizing to bring in more executive email list leads and to market to current subscribers.
INCENTIVE - Most people are not going to executive email list open your email. It's simply the way the world works, especially with increasingly high spam rates. How do you combat this nonchalant attitude and/or fear of a computer meltdown? You need to incentive your email. Give your subscribers a reason to open it! By opening their email, do they get executive email list access to insider discounts? Do they have the potential to win a contest? First, try dangling the prize in the subject line to get people to start opening your emails. Once you've trained your list that they can reap a lot of benefits simply by opening and reading your emails, you can start using different executive email list subject lines and letting the bonus content in the email run its own course.
LOGO - Put your logo in the upper left-hand executive email list corner of your email newsletter. This provides a sense of stability for people. They know that a reputable company probably sent the email, since they associate that letter format with executive email list formal letters. Eye tracking also shows that people tend to look toward the upper right-hand corner first. This will get your logo the most exposure, while at the same time providing the executive email list reader the ability to figure out who sent the email in case they want to do a little more research on your company.