Ourselves. We skip lunch, conduct business Ws Numbers List while in our cars and at our kids' soccer games, and are always connected, even on Ws Numbers List vacation. We perceive we have no choices and consequently feel like victims. In Ws Numbers List realty, we are using work to avoid other things. When this happens we feel trapped in circumstances of our own making.
Busy-ness, procrastination, crisis, Ws Numbers List drama, struggle -- these are all ways of avoiding things that we would rather not deal with. Choice Ws Numbers List and responsibility are keys to creating the lives we want. 11. Keep It Simple Life Ws Numbers List is simple. We are the ones who make it complicated.
There is a difference between effort and Ws Numbers List struggle. Consider nature... it puts forth effort in sustaining itself, but does Ws Numbers List not struggle. It just is. Living requires effort. Running a business involves a certain amount of effort. Struggle, however, is optional.