Performance will be associated with number 100 and the rest with a lower number depending on the number of searches. If we click on each country we see the search trend divided into the regions of the country, and if we b2c email list again we can see the size of the searches in each city (based on 100). Related searches google trains offers searches for related keywords this element is very interesting because it allows us to know which words associated with our keyword are the ones that are receiving the most visits. In the google trends interface, this b2c email list is divided into two: topics and queries. If, for example, we look for the search trend of the keyword “mailchimp”, it allows us to know that the most repeated searches that include our keyword are “mailchimp facebook”, “mailchimp wordpress” and “mailchimp login”.
In addition to showing us the ones that are most sought after, we can find out which ones are increasing in recent times (in the "b2c email list" tab). These keywords do not have to be the same as the previous ones because the search trend may have changed. In this case, the words related to my “mailchimp” keyword are “mailchimp api”, “mailchimp facebook” and “mailchimp form”. As you can see, only one of the ones that is registering the most b2c email list increase is among the 3 that have received the most searches, complementing our main keyword. Compare at the top of the screen there is a functionality b2c email list seems to be in the background and a bit hidden but it is very interesting. As we said before, in the “interest over time” section, google trends allows us to compare the search trend of our keyword with other words and place them on the graph.
In addition, we can know the performance of the keywords in a single country or limit it even more to a region . I think this b2c email list be of great help if we are thinking of launching a product in a local area and we want to know the evolution of searches around that word. We can also limit the evolution of searches with respect to a certain period of time. We can select that the search trend appears in the last week, the last month, the last 90 days or choose the year that interests us (google trends provides us with information since 2004) one aspect that i have not talked about is the b2c email list of exporting the data we have obtained to a spreadsheet (csv), which can be quite useful if we want to have all our google trends data organized on our computer. Here comes the guide.